For optimal cold protection, it's essential to understand the principle of the 3 layers:

1st Layer: Underwear, socks, gloves, hats - The primary purpose of this base layer is to keep you dry by wicking moisture away from your skin. It also creates a barrier to prevent cold from penetrating. Choose breathable materials and avoid cotton, which retains moisture.

2nd Layer: Fleece, sweaters, sweatshirts, pants - The second layer acts as thermal insulation by trapping warm air close to your body. It also transfers moisture from the first layer to the outside, promoting quick drying. Choose lightweight, insulating, and breathable materials for optimal comfort.

3rd Layer: Parkas, overalls, suits - The outer layer serves as a protective barrier against external elements. It shields you from the wind, rain, snow, and any other weather conditions. Ensure that this layer is waterproof, windproof, and breathable to keep you dry while preserving the warmth generated by the lower layers.

By following this 3-layer principle, you have an effective system to protect yourself from the cold. Each layer has a specific role in keeping you dry, insulated, and shielded from external conditions. Feel free to choose clothing suitable for your activities and the temperatures you will be exposed to.

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