In order to assist you better, here are some solutions to consider:

  1. Check your credit card's expiration date: Make sure that your credit card's expiration date is later than the end date of your last installment payment. It's essential that your card remains valid throughout the entire installment payment period.

  2. Verify your card information: Ensure that you've entered all your card information correctly, including the card number, security code, and cardholder name. Typing errors can prevent installment payments.

  3. Try another card: If possible, consider using a different payment card to see if the issue persists. Some cards may have restrictions or specific settings that could affect installment payments.

  4. Contact our support team: If the above solutions don't resolve your issue, feel free to contact our support team. You can reach us via email at We will do our best to provide specialized assistance and explore other payment options that may suit your needs.

We understand that installment payments are a convenient option, and we are committed to helping you find a satisfactory solution. Please keep in mind that payment options may vary depending on your geographical location and specific terms of the Oney service.

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